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Idea Distillery
Growing | Identifying Ideas
So you are thinking about applying to UIDEA (1:01)
What kinds of ideas are a fit for UIDEA? (3:30)
Where to find ideas (3:37)
Growing Ideas Worksheet
Harvesting | Choosing your Idea
What do you really want to do
What's important now?
Milling | Filtering through the Options
Problem you are trying to solve
What's really innovative?
Mashing | Building your Team
10 Tips for building a UIDEA team
Fermenting | Converting your Idea to the Best Possible Solution
Premortem (1:06)
Distilling | Refining your 12-week UIDEA Scope
Scope Creeper (1:50)
Scope Creeper Workbook
Packaging | Building your First Pitch
Application Pitch: Problem or Opportunity (90 seconds) (1:33)
Pitch Perfect
Storytelling 101
Bonus | Pricing and Logistics
Pricing & Logistics
Your Grand Plan
It's All About the Price Tag
Storytelling 101
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